Sunday, July 19, 2009

Who's Opinion Matters to You?

I told a friend lately that people were going to start thinking I was a freak. I've been living out loud for the Lord, more so than I used to. She was glad that I was going first--it makes it easier for others to follow. I was glad for the support--it makes it easier to keep going.
I have loved Jesus for a long time but it's just been the last 2 years or so that I have allowed the Holy Spirit to truly rule my life. I joke that I was a "closet Christian" depending on who's company I was in. Some people bring out the Holy Spirit and some people smother the Holy Spirit. Now, the Holy Spirit can't be smothered unless we let Him be smothered. We are told by society not to offend anyone--smother. We are told by friends and family "that's great for you but don't shove it down my throat"--smother.
I have made all my decisions in the past year according to God's will for my life. I was afraid to give Him the credit when I talked to some people--I didn't want them to think I was weird, and I also didn't want to come off as "holier than thou". He has made me braver everyday and now I am completely "out of the closet" for Christ! He has rewarded me with a sense of peace and some truly God-given relationships.
I have found that the only opinion that really matters, in this life and eternally, is the opinion of God. Do I care if I seem strange to others? Only because I don't want to give God a bad name. If I seem strange to them because I'm following God's will then I don't mind. That's why I refer to the scriptures and prayer before I do anything. That includes the music I listen to, the programs on T.V. I watch, the groups I get involved with, the places I go, the things I purchase, the things I allow in my home. God's opinion matters most to me. "The one thing I ask of the Lord--the thing I seek most--is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life" (Psalm 27:4)

1 comment:

  1. We are strangers here. If that also means "freaks", so be it! Your wisdom is food for thought. Please continue!
