I've been struggling with what to write lately. I read other blogs and listen to what people are talking about and then I sit down to write and I just can't.
Daughters and I have been reading about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. Do you have any idea what it was really like? All these blogs I see have beautiful tables set, too much food planned, and the things they're thankful for.....a far cry from what life was like in 1621. Even in our thankfulness we are unaware of how incredibly blessed and spoiled we are.
I'm going through a time right now that I'm appalled with what people consider underpriveledged. Most of us have absolutely no idea what it means to have nothing, to go without, to want. We think if we don't have the newest gadget or the latest trends in clothes or a fancy coffee drink that we are really suffering. Heaven forbid we live in a house more than 5 years old! We have to have our own car. Teenagers scare me. Not only do they have no idea what it means to want, they aren't being taught what people went through for them to be here and have what they have now. What is that saying...those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it?
This Thanksgiving day, find out what it was really like to be a Pilgrim and then I dare you to complain that you can't get cell service in certain places, or that there is nothing on that fabulously laid dinner table that you like, or that your master bedroom just isn't big enough for you. Find out how greatful you really should be.
Give Thanks, Take less.
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