Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much friut; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15: 5)
You may believe that you can do alot of things and do them all well. I have found that I can't. I can't be the woman God wants me to be unless I spend time with Him. As I spend time with Him I learn what He expects of me. He expects me to put Him first, my husband next, my children after that. If I'm going to be the best disciple I can be, the best wife I can be and the best mother I can be, then something has to go. Probably more than one thing would have to go for many of you, if you were to really look at things.
Unlike many women I talk to, I truly enjoy taking care of my husband, my children, my home. I used to believe I had to put a fancy name to what I do, in order to be acceptable to others. The term " family unit engineer" is one I have used, thinking I was being funny, but also because so many of the women I know have "real" jobs and I felt I needed a more appropriate title.
Over the last two months I have learned alot (though I have much more to learn) and now I'm back to try and be an encouragement to anyone who might stumble upon my little slice of cyberspace.
One of the things I learned is that since I am not ashamed to be called a housewife or stay-at-home-mom, I don't need a fancy title! I have the best job in the world! I get to spend all my time loving and taking care of the family God gave me. I also learned that you can't properly do that job and blog everyday, so I'll be blogging a couple of times a week rather than everyday.
Something else I learned is that you can't remain in Christ and not be changed! I read scriptures to my daughter and realize that I'm not living up to what He expects of me. He says that apart from Him I can do nothing! So, I either remain in Him and change my ways, or I'm apart from Him and I can't do anything. The house and everyone in it falls apart when I'm not abiding in Him. Sometimes I think I can hide from the Holy Spirit, or make excuses for sin--have you ever tried to hide or make excuses when your child wants to know why you do what you do? My effort to teach my daughters to be the best disciples they can be has had unexpected effects on me.
I have doubted my ability to be a good mother. God has shown me that it's not so much about me being a good mother, but being a mother is making me a better disciple. When I abide in Him I can see that and the focus is then off myself and back on Him, where it should always be.
Don't let anyone or anything take you away from Jesus--you can no nothing without Him.
"...but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires." Romans 8:5
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I love my simple life. This is the life I was made for. I am content with simplicity. I wish more people could find their way to this lifestyle.
With the holidays approaching there is an OVERWHELMING amount of advertising everywhere you look, including blogland. Whether it's stuff to buy or things to do, or places to go, ways to serve, there is a plethora of ideas. At first it's exciting to see all the different ways people celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. People are so creative and sometimes even frugal and I think "hey, we should do that!" It's not very long before I feel absolutely overwhelmed and inadequate. I end up confused, feeling like my children are getting the short end of the stick in numerous areas, like I'm not a good Christian or mom because I'm not doing all these neat crafts and projects. My head starts spinning because after a point there is so much information flying around that I have no idea why or how to do the holidays.
And that's when I step out of blogland, away from the homeschool devotionals and hear God speak to me. You see, satan is devious. Remember the prowling lion? He uses Christians to his advantage. He uses our desire to "do" for his glory. We think because there is a Christian title attached that satan couldn't possibly be around. What better time to catch us off guard? He loves for us to be confused and overwhelmed and to feel inadequate. He loves to see us so busy looking for ways to celebrate God, that we don't realize how he's attacking us.
God knows our hearts. We don't have to DO fantastic crafts or projects every day leading up to and during the holidays to please Him. He doesn't want us wrapped up in "doing holiday stuff." He wants us talking to Him and reading His Word and listening to Him. He wants us loving others and telling them about Him. The crafts and projects and other busy stuff may not be bad, but it sure might keep us too busy to concentrate on what really matters, not just at the holidays but every single day of the year--our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus.
I am so thankful that I have time to listen for God to speak to me. I wish more people would step out of the world and into the lifestyle God meant for us. I am truly tired of hearing how busy people are. Don't get fooled into thinking that if it's "Christian" then it must be okay. Too much of anything is not a good thing.
Stop "doing" so much. Listen for God to guide you. Step away from the feeling of AARRRGGGGHHH and into the AAAAAHHHHH of Christ's arms.
With the holidays approaching there is an OVERWHELMING amount of advertising everywhere you look, including blogland. Whether it's stuff to buy or things to do, or places to go, ways to serve, there is a plethora of ideas. At first it's exciting to see all the different ways people celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. People are so creative and sometimes even frugal and I think "hey, we should do that!" It's not very long before I feel absolutely overwhelmed and inadequate. I end up confused, feeling like my children are getting the short end of the stick in numerous areas, like I'm not a good Christian or mom because I'm not doing all these neat crafts and projects. My head starts spinning because after a point there is so much information flying around that I have no idea why or how to do the holidays.
And that's when I step out of blogland, away from the homeschool devotionals and hear God speak to me. You see, satan is devious. Remember the prowling lion? He uses Christians to his advantage. He uses our desire to "do" for his glory. We think because there is a Christian title attached that satan couldn't possibly be around. What better time to catch us off guard? He loves for us to be confused and overwhelmed and to feel inadequate. He loves to see us so busy looking for ways to celebrate God, that we don't realize how he's attacking us.
God knows our hearts. We don't have to DO fantastic crafts or projects every day leading up to and during the holidays to please Him. He doesn't want us wrapped up in "doing holiday stuff." He wants us talking to Him and reading His Word and listening to Him. He wants us loving others and telling them about Him. The crafts and projects and other busy stuff may not be bad, but it sure might keep us too busy to concentrate on what really matters, not just at the holidays but every single day of the year--our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus.
I am so thankful that I have time to listen for God to speak to me. I wish more people would step out of the world and into the lifestyle God meant for us. I am truly tired of hearing how busy people are. Don't get fooled into thinking that if it's "Christian" then it must be okay. Too much of anything is not a good thing.
Stop "doing" so much. Listen for God to guide you. Step away from the feeling of AARRRGGGGHHH and into the AAAAAHHHHH of Christ's arms.
Monday, November 23, 2009
ThanksGIVING, Not Taking
I've been struggling with what to write lately. I read other blogs and listen to what people are talking about and then I sit down to write and I just can't.
Daughters and I have been reading about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. Do you have any idea what it was really like? All these blogs I see have beautiful tables set, too much food planned, and the things they're thankful for.....a far cry from what life was like in 1621. Even in our thankfulness we are unaware of how incredibly blessed and spoiled we are.
I'm going through a time right now that I'm appalled with what people consider underpriveledged. Most of us have absolutely no idea what it means to have nothing, to go without, to want. We think if we don't have the newest gadget or the latest trends in clothes or a fancy coffee drink that we are really suffering. Heaven forbid we live in a house more than 5 years old! We have to have our own car. Teenagers scare me. Not only do they have no idea what it means to want, they aren't being taught what people went through for them to be here and have what they have now. What is that saying...those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it?
This Thanksgiving day, find out what it was really like to be a Pilgrim and then I dare you to complain that you can't get cell service in certain places, or that there is nothing on that fabulously laid dinner table that you like, or that your master bedroom just isn't big enough for you. Find out how greatful you really should be.
Give Thanks, Take less.
Daughters and I have been reading about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. Do you have any idea what it was really like? All these blogs I see have beautiful tables set, too much food planned, and the things they're thankful for.....a far cry from what life was like in 1621. Even in our thankfulness we are unaware of how incredibly blessed and spoiled we are.
I'm going through a time right now that I'm appalled with what people consider underpriveledged. Most of us have absolutely no idea what it means to have nothing, to go without, to want. We think if we don't have the newest gadget or the latest trends in clothes or a fancy coffee drink that we are really suffering. Heaven forbid we live in a house more than 5 years old! We have to have our own car. Teenagers scare me. Not only do they have no idea what it means to want, they aren't being taught what people went through for them to be here and have what they have now. What is that saying...those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it?
This Thanksgiving day, find out what it was really like to be a Pilgrim and then I dare you to complain that you can't get cell service in certain places, or that there is nothing on that fabulously laid dinner table that you like, or that your master bedroom just isn't big enough for you. Find out how greatful you really should be.
Give Thanks, Take less.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Send The Lion Away Hungry!
It is written: Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1Peter5:8)
Last night I had another dream but this time it wasn't the beauty of the house that I was admiring. I was inside the house looking out the window when I saw a lion. I wasn't the least bit scared because I knew he was outside and I was safe inside, with the doors closed. My girls were with me and were a little nervous until I assured them he couldn't get in a house with closed doors and windows.
The next thing you know, he's in the house! I calmly shooed the girls upstairs and followed behind them so that I was between them and the lion. Just when we felt safe again, there he was, like out of nowhere. We tried to be as quiet as possible and squeezed tightly together--I don't know, maybe trying to be invisible to him? Suddenly he was right behind me and he was licking my back! He never did bite or attack, just licked, like he was getting a taste.
I woke up quoting 1 Peter 5:8--I was a little startled that without even thinking, I was calling out scripture.
I'm no dream interpreter and symbolism is often lost on me, but I definetly spent the day more aware of the dangers of the devil. I know the doors and windows to my spirit are shut, but I realize how sneaky and devious and subtle satan is and we must never be caught unaware. We have an enemy and he is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I can't shut the doors and windows to my daughters' spirits, that's between them and God. But I can and must protect them while they are in my care. I can do this by being sure that they get a steady diet of God's Word and as little of satan's propaganda as possible.
Are your doors and windows shut? Are you aware of how that lion can find his way in, even when you think you've got everything closed up? Take time to think about ways he could possibly be getting to you, then tell him to forget it! Put on your armor (Ephesians 6:11)and teach your kids to do the same. I'm certain that the reason the lion in my dream licked me and didn't bite or attack is because of the armor. I'm also certain that if I took the time to put it on every day like I should, he never would have been in my dream in the first place. I won't make that mistake again!!
So, we know we have an enemy, acting like a roaring lion. We also know that our protection from him is in Christ. If we stay where we should be--as close to Jesus as possible-- then that lion will have to go away hungry!
Last night I had another dream but this time it wasn't the beauty of the house that I was admiring. I was inside the house looking out the window when I saw a lion. I wasn't the least bit scared because I knew he was outside and I was safe inside, with the doors closed. My girls were with me and were a little nervous until I assured them he couldn't get in a house with closed doors and windows.
The next thing you know, he's in the house! I calmly shooed the girls upstairs and followed behind them so that I was between them and the lion. Just when we felt safe again, there he was, like out of nowhere. We tried to be as quiet as possible and squeezed tightly together--I don't know, maybe trying to be invisible to him? Suddenly he was right behind me and he was licking my back! He never did bite or attack, just licked, like he was getting a taste.
I woke up quoting 1 Peter 5:8--I was a little startled that without even thinking, I was calling out scripture.
I'm no dream interpreter and symbolism is often lost on me, but I definetly spent the day more aware of the dangers of the devil. I know the doors and windows to my spirit are shut, but I realize how sneaky and devious and subtle satan is and we must never be caught unaware. We have an enemy and he is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I can't shut the doors and windows to my daughters' spirits, that's between them and God. But I can and must protect them while they are in my care. I can do this by being sure that they get a steady diet of God's Word and as little of satan's propaganda as possible.
Are your doors and windows shut? Are you aware of how that lion can find his way in, even when you think you've got everything closed up? Take time to think about ways he could possibly be getting to you, then tell him to forget it! Put on your armor (Ephesians 6:11)and teach your kids to do the same. I'm certain that the reason the lion in my dream licked me and didn't bite or attack is because of the armor. I'm also certain that if I took the time to put it on every day like I should, he never would have been in my dream in the first place. I won't make that mistake again!!
So, we know we have an enemy, acting like a roaring lion. We also know that our protection from him is in Christ. If we stay where we should be--as close to Jesus as possible-- then that lion will have to go away hungry!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Treasure Is In Heaven
Most of the time I dream about great big, run down houses, or just plain houses. All of my life I have lived in nice houses, but nothing very fancy. I've always had enough, have learned to be satisfied with what I have. I don't envy those with amazingly beautiful homes, because they have given up something in order to have that.
I wrote the other day about God working on me as far as "stuff" goes. It seems that when I do get something new, it quickly ends up not so new, and I'm okay with that. The thing that is most important is that our family is together and we love Jesus. Sure, I'd love a different color on the walls in the living room, the bathroom to be finished, the floor in the dining room to be different, but I'm not willing to give up being home with my girls, teaching them what really matters, in order to have all that. My home will never "look" like the homes on HGTV, but it is warm, safe, comfortable, relaxing and happy.
The other night I had a dream about a house again. I wonder if God gave me the dream because He and I both know that I truly am content with having "enough", though it's not what the world considers enough. This time, the house was absolutely beautiful. It had all my favorite colors, all my favorite things, put together in ways I wouldn't have imagined to do. It was so cozy looking and feeling. It was better than anything I've ever seen on TV or in magazines. It was amazing. It still gives me the warm fuzzies when I think about it.
I woke up so excited thinking about the rooms in my dream. I have become so content with what I have, never imagining or really wanting anything more. I woke up remembering that Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for us! This dream was a reminder that He is preparing a place just for me in Heaven with Him for eternity! I've known that since the day I was saved, but this dream made it personal to me. I've always imagined Heaven as a huge sanctuary with everyone worshipping God , singing and laughing--a glorified Gaither special! I never really thought of it as Him preparing a personal place for me.
Have you ever REALLY thought, personally, about Heaven? Would it change the way you do things on earth if you realized that Christ was preparing all that you can't even begin to imagine for you in Heaven? Can you be satisfied with less "stuff" here, take care of what matters eternally--your relationship with Christ--because nothing you have on earth matters except Jesus and love.
Is a picture perfect earthly house really worth your children, when you know that if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, He is preparing a glorious place for you? They say good things come to those who wait.......invest in you and your family's spiritual well-being, be content with less "stuff", build up treasures in Heaven, rather than on earth.
I wrote the other day about God working on me as far as "stuff" goes. It seems that when I do get something new, it quickly ends up not so new, and I'm okay with that. The thing that is most important is that our family is together and we love Jesus. Sure, I'd love a different color on the walls in the living room, the bathroom to be finished, the floor in the dining room to be different, but I'm not willing to give up being home with my girls, teaching them what really matters, in order to have all that. My home will never "look" like the homes on HGTV, but it is warm, safe, comfortable, relaxing and happy.
The other night I had a dream about a house again. I wonder if God gave me the dream because He and I both know that I truly am content with having "enough", though it's not what the world considers enough. This time, the house was absolutely beautiful. It had all my favorite colors, all my favorite things, put together in ways I wouldn't have imagined to do. It was so cozy looking and feeling. It was better than anything I've ever seen on TV or in magazines. It was amazing. It still gives me the warm fuzzies when I think about it.
I woke up so excited thinking about the rooms in my dream. I have become so content with what I have, never imagining or really wanting anything more. I woke up remembering that Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for us! This dream was a reminder that He is preparing a place just for me in Heaven with Him for eternity! I've known that since the day I was saved, but this dream made it personal to me. I've always imagined Heaven as a huge sanctuary with everyone worshipping God , singing and laughing--a glorified Gaither special! I never really thought of it as Him preparing a personal place for me.
Have you ever REALLY thought, personally, about Heaven? Would it change the way you do things on earth if you realized that Christ was preparing all that you can't even begin to imagine for you in Heaven? Can you be satisfied with less "stuff" here, take care of what matters eternally--your relationship with Christ--because nothing you have on earth matters except Jesus and love.
Is a picture perfect earthly house really worth your children, when you know that if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, He is preparing a glorious place for you? They say good things come to those who wait.......invest in you and your family's spiritual well-being, be content with less "stuff", build up treasures in Heaven, rather than on earth.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I'll Testify!!!!
I heard a song on the radio today for only the second time, ever. I'm not exactly sure who it's by, but it's called "Somebody Ought to Testify". I am so moved by it. It's full of energy and talks about living for Christ and dying for Christ and the fact that somebody ought to testify about it! It's the kind of song that gets you off your seat and out of any foul mood you might have let yourself sink into. I think it should be a mandatory song on Sunday morning in church to get everyone fired up about worshipping our Creator. I doubt there is one believer who could hear this song and NOT get up and sing along. I would love to see the result of everyone adding it to their morning devotion time!
Here's an idea--unless you already do it, find a song that really moves you and start singing it (out loud) whenever you can! Don't worry about what the people around you will say--we're supposed to be FOOLS for Christ! Don't worry about what you sound like--we're supposed to make a JOYFUL NOISE!
Testify this week about Jesus. Tell somebody what He's doing in your life. Sing out loud about Him. Act like a fool, but make sure it's a fool according to the world. Make a joyful noise, but make sure it's JOYFUL!!!
Somebody ought to testify! Will it be you?
Here's an idea--unless you already do it, find a song that really moves you and start singing it (out loud) whenever you can! Don't worry about what the people around you will say--we're supposed to be FOOLS for Christ! Don't worry about what you sound like--we're supposed to make a JOYFUL NOISE!
Testify this week about Jesus. Tell somebody what He's doing in your life. Sing out loud about Him. Act like a fool, but make sure it's a fool according to the world. Make a joyful noise, but make sure it's JOYFUL!!!
Somebody ought to testify! Will it be you?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Statement, A Test
My husband and I were talking recently about things that are important to us. I mean physical items that we have a connection to. I used to get so excited when I got something new, but within a matter of days (sometimes minutes), something bad would happen to it--ripped, stained, scratched, cracked--you name it! I couldn't keep anything nice.
There was a time when I had some real attachments to a few things, I couldn't imagine being without them. I have alot of pieces of furniture that have passed through the family, my dishes were my Grandmother's, I have a collection of pottery (that is no longer made) that a few loved ones have given me over the years. Basically, most of my stuff comes with a history, a story of who had it and how I got it. There was a time when it all meant too much to me.
When I started to notice that everything I got (and I'm not kidding--EVERYthing) ended up not so new within a short amount of time, I decided God was trying to show me something.
So, when hubby and I were talking about our "stuff", I told him that God had been working on me and that I wasn't truly attached to any physical item in our home. Sure, I really care about the things I have, but if I had to give something away or if something happened to any of it--I'd be okay.
Enter 3 year old. God really is funny, if you didn't already know that! Within minutes of that statement to my husband, my 3yo walked in and picked up a special jar that hubby gave me one Christmas filled with my favorite candy. There went the lid, down to the floor--all over the floor. The jar is still in tact, just no lid. He's funny, right? Was that a test to see if I meant what I said?
Enter 7 year old. Yep, I'm not kidding! She likes to fill her own plate for dinner now that she's a big girl. Tonight she's headed back to the table with mommy's pottery collection plate in her hand when somehow it flew right out of her hand, down to the floor--all over the floor! That beautiful plate that can't be replaced.
Unbelievable, right? Never make a statement unless you are ready to be tested! It's not so much that God wants to see if you mean it, He already knows our hearts. He wants us to make sure we know we mean it.
My little girl burst into tears when she saw the pieces of that plate, because she knows how much mommy likes it. Now she knows that mommy loves HER so much more than any silly plate. And I know that I really did mean it when I said I wasn't too attached to any of the "stuff" that I have. Thank you Lord, for showing me a little of my heart.
There was a time when I had some real attachments to a few things, I couldn't imagine being without them. I have alot of pieces of furniture that have passed through the family, my dishes were my Grandmother's, I have a collection of pottery (that is no longer made) that a few loved ones have given me over the years. Basically, most of my stuff comes with a history, a story of who had it and how I got it. There was a time when it all meant too much to me.
When I started to notice that everything I got (and I'm not kidding--EVERYthing) ended up not so new within a short amount of time, I decided God was trying to show me something.
So, when hubby and I were talking about our "stuff", I told him that God had been working on me and that I wasn't truly attached to any physical item in our home. Sure, I really care about the things I have, but if I had to give something away or if something happened to any of it--I'd be okay.
Enter 3 year old. God really is funny, if you didn't already know that! Within minutes of that statement to my husband, my 3yo walked in and picked up a special jar that hubby gave me one Christmas filled with my favorite candy. There went the lid, down to the floor--all over the floor. The jar is still in tact, just no lid. He's funny, right? Was that a test to see if I meant what I said?
Enter 7 year old. Yep, I'm not kidding! She likes to fill her own plate for dinner now that she's a big girl. Tonight she's headed back to the table with mommy's pottery collection plate in her hand when somehow it flew right out of her hand, down to the floor--all over the floor! That beautiful plate that can't be replaced.
Unbelievable, right? Never make a statement unless you are ready to be tested! It's not so much that God wants to see if you mean it, He already knows our hearts. He wants us to make sure we know we mean it.
My little girl burst into tears when she saw the pieces of that plate, because she knows how much mommy likes it. Now she knows that mommy loves HER so much more than any silly plate. And I know that I really did mean it when I said I wasn't too attached to any of the "stuff" that I have. Thank you Lord, for showing me a little of my heart.
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