Today I'm half nuts trying to prepare for next week. (Already scriptures are flying through my mind. ) School starts on Monday for us. My daughter asked why it's called school. I told her that was a good question and suggested she come up with a name for it.
We can do that, call it whatever we want, because we are learning at home. God has called us to it and most days we all love it. I can't see sending her off to complete strangers, to a place God is not allowed, for 7-8 hours a day.....I won't get on that soapbox, today anyway.
Here's why I'm half-nuts: I have found several homeschool websites and blogs that have wonderful suggestions and ideas and products and blah blah blah. I sat down to start lesson plans with grand expectations, excited to implement many of the ideas I'd gleaned from others. At first I was excited, that quickly turned into feeling overwhelmed and then I shut down altogether. My poor husband dared to asked what was wrong. He won't do that again! Actually, he will because that's the kind of man God gave me. Anyway, I let him into the craziness of my head and it didn't take him long to basically say K.I.S.S. Most people know that as Keep It Simple Stupid. In my world it's Keep It Simply Sacred. How did I not see the mistake I was making? The best laid plans are absolutely worthless without God. I was looking to all sorts of influences for our education, because they are all "Christian" I felt comfortable.
Then He reminded me what my priorities are. So, I went where I should have gone in the beginning--to Him, in prayer and then scriptures. That's actually where I started. How I ended up immersed in all the other stuff...Thankfully He always pulls me back in when I get a little wayward. I'm spending my time in Titus and Proverbs and a few other places, and then I'll sit down with our lesson plans again.
And He reminds me that He's not a God of disorder, but of peace. (1Cor 14:33) I will cast all my anxieties on Him, because He cares for me. (1 Peter 5:7) With this knowledge, we will peacefully begin a new official year of learning.
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