Yesterday I mentioned putting down the magazines and turning off the television. I should have included all the "wonderful" technology that should be used for good, but so often is used for evil. What started out as modern convenience has become a new way of life. The amount of time and money and desire devoted to these items is out of control. The really sad part is that so many people are blind to the fact that there is a problem. You can assume from the title of this blog, simply sacred, that we have next to none of these items. Obviously we have a computer. We have television and DVD. Believe it or not, we actually survive without a cell phone!
"Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them." (Deuteronomy 11:16) The Bible warns us that if we aren't careful, we will be "enticed" away and worship other gods and "bow down" to them. Wow. Those are strong words. But isn't that exactly what advertisers are counting on when they invade our homes with their messages? What you have is never good enough, there is always something better to be had. You never look young enough, pretty enough, thin enought, tan enough. You never have enough hair, a firm enough stomach. You have to have the latest fashions or you're a loser. You must have the right phone, you know, the one with the all the people that come with it.
My oldest said the funniest thing one day. She saw someone that had a certain type of phone and said "I thought she would have hundreds of people following her!"
That's the greatest thing about our God. You don't need hundreds of people following behind to make you acceptable. You only need Jesus Christ.
For the sake of your marriage, your family, your eternal destiny; rid yourself of the things that are getting in the way of God and what He wants for you. Don't worship technology, worship the Creator. He will give you the desires of your heart, as long as you are desiring His will. How can you do that if you're wrapped up in everything but Him?
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