Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Talk about super powers.....I thought I knew how amazing God is.
I receive a weekly devotion-type thing from Splink for my girls and part of today's was about the stars in the sky. Did you know that if you could count 3 stars per SECOND, for 100 YEARS, it would be LESS THAN 5% of the stars that exist?! WHAT??? The truly amazing part is that God calls them by name!!!! Psalm 147:4 says He knows the number and calls them by name! Can you even begin to imagine how utterly amazing that is?
Have you stopped to adore you're maker today? Nothing on this earth, no cell phone, no computer, no music group, no animal, no sneaker, NO thing or person, can begin to compare with the true awesome-ness of our Heavenly Father.
I thought I knew how amazing He is. I have so much to learn. Don't ever underestimate the power of God. He is beyond anything we could even imagine.....how could we not worship Him? How could we worship anything BUT Him? How could we doubt the Truth that is the inerrant word of God? How could we question anything or compromise on anything He says?
He is AWESOME, and I am humbled.

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