Thursday, September 10, 2009

Who's With Me?

It's been a while since I scanned the magazine covers while waiting in the checkout line. I deliberately avoid looking at them because I don't want to take up space in my mind with the junk they offer. I'm also training my little ones that one way to avoid the traps of society is to never get wrapped up in what they say is important. 1 Corinthians 2:5 says "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."
Well, today I happened to be in the checkout line with only one child, who was actually behaving quite well. eyes wandered....Have you seen the kind of garbage that is making the cover of so many popular magazines?! People actually spend money on them?! People don't see a problem with them?! I was in utter shock at first. I'm talking vulgar! Thank the Lord my reader wasn't with me!!
The lady in the lane next to me had a screaming toddler--wanted some of that candy they put right at kid level--she suggested they have a lane that's child-friendly. No candy, toys, smutty magazines (I added that one). The cashier said that would have been a great suggestion at their grass roots meeting. I asked how I can lobby for this lane--everyone agreed and laughed.
The thing is, I'm totally serious. It's time we took a stand and did something about the lack of morals and values and respect, not to mention common sense! I go to the store to buy groceries, not to explain to my 7yo what a "sexy a-- workout" is! At the end of an hour of searching for the best deals to make the most of one income--and saying no to all the "gotta have it or you're sooo not cool" products--do I really have to subject my tired girls to a rack of toys and candy they can smell and can't help but touch because the aisle is so narrow?! (Is that the longest sentece you've read in a while?) Should I have to explain to my curious reader what a "hookup" is? Or why that girl has almost no clothes on? I wonder what they would do if I suggested they have a rack for bibles?
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1Cor.1:18)
I intend to take a stand and do what I can to get a child friendly lane established. Maybe I'll start moving a bible to the checkout everytime I go! Who's with me? I've heard complaining for years about the candy and toys causing such a problem. The magazines are absolutely inappropriate for grown-up eyes, let alone children. Let's show our kids how much we love and respect them by trying to make their grocery shopping experience a little less traumatic.

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