Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jesus Rules My World

Well, today is one of those days of the year that people who love the Lord have many opinions on. The only opinion that matters is God's. Check out what His word says: "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV)
Pretty straight forward, isn't it? You don't have to be a scholar, get out the concordance, dictionary, or do an indepth study, to understand that verse.
If you don't care for the KJV, the NIV says it this way:"Avoid every kind of evil"
I don't care who you are, we can all agree that the things associated with the devil are considered evil--witches, ghouls, goblins, etc. Not to mention the "trick" part of the day, which God also has something to say about. Peter points out in 1 Peter 2:22 that "He (Jesus) commited no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." We are to be like Him. When you trick someone, you are being deceitful. There is alot written about deceit--check it out sometime.
It doesn't matter if you and you family stay on the "good" side and dress up as "good" things. God's word says to abstain from all appearance of evil, to avoid every kind of evil. It doesn't matter how innocent you try to make it--it's evil.
Today, instead of giving in to public opinion and displeasing the one who gave you life, celebrate all that is eternally important. Choose to take a stand for The One who deserves love, honor, and respect. Tell someone that you are a son or daughter of the King and have nothing to do with your enemy's party.
You do have an enemy. 1 Peter 5: 8 tells us to "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Don't be deceived into thinking today is a harmless day of fun. The devil is laughing at the amount of Christians he can play with today because we don't realize how subtle and sneaky he is.
Jesus is the Ruler of my life and the only one that my family will celebrate.
Keep reading your bible so that you will not be led astray by your enemy.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Well, seasons change, the living room furniture arrangement changes, and so goes the blog!
I realize the background isn't very "simple" but it makes me smile. Lately I feel a little heavy and a little too serious, so......I'm making my blogland light and fun!
The Gospel is called the Good News and I intend to share some of it! God loves me and has shown it in many ways this week. Have you noticed how He loves you? I hear people talk about being "purposeful" in doing things. Whether it's exercise, reading the Bible, smiling, being thankful....there are so many things that I want to "purpose" to do.
This week the girls and I started a "Thankfulness List". It's amazing what things you realize you take for granted, when you purpose to be thankful. Sometimes I realize I haven't written anything down and I find myself deliberately looking for something to give thanks for. Oh, the things you SEE when you stop and look!!! This week I am most greatful to God for the eyes He gave me to see the wonder of His love all around. Not just my physical eyes, but the desire to see beyond the surface.
Since I have purposed to be thankful this week, I find I'm smiling more. This morning I was walking through the house when I realized I was frowning. Well, not really frowning, but definitely not smiling. I stopped and purposely smiled. I dare you to try it the next time you realize you haven't been smiling. It's a strange sensation to smile when noone else is around! But you know what? It changed my entire outlook! I almost wanted to go get on the treadmill!
So, here's my point: Lots of things will change, nothing ever stays the same...except for God. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow...whether we change our furniture, our outlook, our blogland space, our physical address, it doesn't matter. Jesus Christ died for every single person on the face of the earth and that will never change. God loves every single person on this earth and that will never change. Why not make the biggest change of all and invite Jesus into your life? When you do that, you can be sure that no matter how things in this world change, you have the security of a life in Heaven with the only One who will never change.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Isaiah 30:22

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."(Isaiah 30:21)
Last night I was sitting on the couch watching a program that oldest daughter and I used to watch together. In the last few months there have been major changes in this show and Husband and I have directed her away from it to another, more appropriate one. Of course, I still felt I could watch it.
After the program started, daughter came downstairs asking if she could watch it with me. I sent her to ask dad. He was in the room behind me and as I listened to his reasons that she could not watch it I became convicted. It reminded me of the verse above, God was speaking to me through my hubby. I shut off the t.v. (not real willingly) and took an unhappy daughter to bed.
This morning as I'm reading my bible I came across (coincidence?) Isaiah 30:21. As I read the scripture, it was the next verse that stopped me dead in my tracks. Verse 22 says: Then you will defile your idols, overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, "Away with you!"
WOW! That's in the NIV bible. How disgusting!
God showed me that if a program is not good for my little girl because it has become too important to her and it definitely doesn't uphold any of our biblical values anymore, then it isn't any good for me, either. I was disgusted when my husband pointed out why we should step away from the program, I still enjoyed it. But it has become a little too important to us. This morning I'm realizing that I should be as eager to throw it away from our lives as I am an old menstrual cloth. What would it be like if we thought that way about everything that takes us away from our Lord? That's what He wants us to do, and expects us to do.
Ask God to show you what you are idolizing, and then ask him for the strength to throw it away like a menstrual cloth! I bet it will be easier to do, when you think about it like that.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Writing On The Wall

In my effort to keep things simple, I sometimes find myself "working" to keep it simple.
With the different holidays approaching and the fact that I wasn't raised with a biblical approach to them, I'm struggling with what I know now, and what I knew then. I want my girls to experience the same joy and excitement that I did. I want them to experience Christ, the right way, in them. I realized this week that I have been taking an all or nothing approach and sucking the fun right out of it all. I've been "working" so hard to figure it out that I haven't let God show me how to do it.
Today we are starting something new, in order to get our hearts and minds in line with what the next few months are all about. We are hanging 2 pieces of paper on the wall. ( Yep, right on the wall! What do you think the professional decorators would say about that?!) On one of them, we will keep a list of all the ways that God is showing His love for us throughout the day. On the other, we will keep a list of all the ways we can show love to others.
It's simple. Just a list on the wall. Not some fancy journal, not inside a computer program, the writing will be right there on the wall. There will be no work needed to figure it out--just a simple list of the ways we see God loving us. Constant reminders of the goodness of our Creator, and since we are made in His image--constant reminders of what we can be doing to pass along that love.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Whose Rules?

Here's a great scripture to memorize and hang up in a place that you spend a lot of time: "And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord" (Numbers 11:1)
I have to admit I was throwing this scripture in my daughter's face today. And then, as usual, the Lord threw it in my face!
I have a certain 24 hours every month that I turn into.....a less than pleasant person to be around. God has blessed me with the wisdom to recognize what is happening, and while I can't seem to "control" it, I make sure it doesn't control me. It used to be more than 24 hours, but one day my daring, brave husband came up to me and told me my 24 hours was up. (Isn't he lucky I believe in boldly speaking the truth?!) Since then, my family knows that when I give the warning that mommy is a little unreasonable, the countdown starts. It's almost funny now. In fact it's become such a joke that it really takes the edge off and the 24 hours is actually down to about 12!
So, while I was using this scripture on my daughter, God was using it on His daughter.
I didn't start memorizing scripture until about a year ago. (deliberately and regularly, that is.) It you've never done it, I will tell you, it is one of the most important things you could do. What a difference it has made in my life. While I was wallowing in my hours of misery, that my husband and I decided I was allowed to have, God told me " displeased Him". Uh-oh. Now I'm getting a new verse in my head and it's popping up to tell me my behavior isn't pleasing my Lord. Guess my allowable hours are going to shrink even more!
Thank you God, for loving me enough to show me the truth.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friendly Is Friendly

Have you ever watched children? They are so friendly. They'll smile and talk to anyone. They want to hug and kiss everyone. We are born friendly and loving. That's what God intended for us. We were born loving one another as we love ourselves. Did you ever hear a 2 year old complain about her hair or weight? No! They love themselves! If they are exposed to their maker, the Lord, they automatically believe and love Him.
Now, have you ever noticed that the adult that is with the friendly child calls him a flirt when he's being naturally loving and friendly to a girl?
This happened to us the other day. A little boy was smiling, waving and talking to my youngest. The woman with him called him a flirt. I laughed and said to the little guy "tell her no, I'm just being friendly". She very firmly replied "No, he's being a flirt."
I've heard this so often that it makes me sad. Why does our society label natural behavior as something more than that. We've turned a natural behavior, that God intended for us to live out scripturally, into something sexual. As we get older, we are self-concsious of being friendly lest someone think we are "lookin for something".
The next time you see a little boy being kind to a little girl, will you encourage his sweetness and encourage others to view it the same way? Will you help change the attitudes of people who make it something sexual? Contrary to popular belief, not everyone has ulterior motives when they are loving and friendly. Sometimes they are simply being friendly.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hard Choices

I saw another ridiculous advertisement, this time during a football game. I'm not surprised. My husband and I have discussed the target group for game time alot lately--good ole football season. Aimed at hormonal, got-somethin-to-prove, testosterone-filled men. Have you noticed? BIG trucks, beer, half-naked ladies selling both! Oh yea, I forgot a certain enhancement product, too.
So, we can turn away when the ads are on. Can you make an even harder choice and turn away from the product they are selling? I guess ultimately the thing to do is get rid of the tv, but ads are everywhere and you can't avoid them completely; on the radio, on billboards, on things you buy....We are overrun with advertisements.
If you truly love the Lord and everything He stands for, and you say you'd give up your life for Him, will you also give up the product that is inappropriately advertised? Yesterday I chose to give up a certain brand of popcorn, today a certain taco has been added to the list.
Some people, I'm sure, think I'm being dramatic, but if I have high value on modesty, why would I spend my money on a product that is advertised in a near pornagraphic way? If I value respect, why would I spend my money on a product advertised by disrespectful teens? Let's remember who provides our money in the first place. Is that how we show honor to the Lord?
The narrow path. Have you heard about it? God wants us to make hard choices. Well, how hard are they if we truly love the Lord? It's about more than going to church on Sunday! It's about how we honor God in EVERYTHING we do, think, say, purchase, watch, read, sell, etc....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Nearly Naked--No Sale!

Tonight was meeting of the heirs night. We were all gathered in the living room talking and watching a food show. During a commercial break we were carrying on when suddenly everyone was looking at the television and everyone had a perplexed look on their face. I turned to see a man stripping down to his underwear while making popcorn. Mind you, this is the food network channel I'm talking about, not some of the channels you'd expect it from. We were all in agreement that we couldn't understand why it was necessary to have a man in his underwear in a popcorn commercial. They probably figured they would get people's attention by having a nearly naked man, and certainly sell more of their product. I wonder if they realized there would be people like me who will certainly NOT buy their product BECAUSE they had a nearly naked man trying to sell it to me.
Some may call me a prude and tell me to lighten up, but I know what values followers of Christ are supposed to uphold. I wonder, if everyone who claimed to love Jesus would stop buying this particular brand of popcorn, would they stay in business? If we would take a stand against all the garbage the world tries to make us deal with, what would the world be like? Should we really blame satan for all the evil in the world? Or are we responsible for allowing it to continue and progress?
IMAGINE!!! What an impact we could make if would draw the line with the secular world. Enough is enough! We don't want half (or whole) naked people selling us stuff. We don't want to hear the Lord's name in vain in movies and tv shows. We're not going to buy products or spend our money on anything that is in opposition to Christ. Can you imagine how different things would (could) be?!
What's really important to you? I've said it before and I'll say it again--"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Manners? What Are They?

Today we had a friend join us for lunch. It's the first time someone outside the family has been at our house for a meal in a long time. I never noticed that my children didn't have the best table manners, until today. My three year old was in and out of her chair, ate her noodles with her fingers, held them above her head, tore her sandwich apart, sucked her noodles (loudly), burped, talked with her mouth full.....and I've never been prouder!
Now, I'm not pleased with the lack of manners, which usually don't stand out until you're looking at them from someone else's perspective. What I am proud of, is the fact that while all this is going on, she's rattling off scripture verses!! Our friend even commented that my daughter probably knew more of them than she did.
I told my husband about lunch time and that I thought we needed to crack down a little on table manners. He is certain that God is loving our daughter just the way she is.
So, if you're coming to our house for a meal, be prepared! You won't witness the best table manners, but you will see a three year old being a great witness!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fodder for prayer

Yesterday the girls and I were in the very slow line waiting to check out in the very big store. We had plenty of time to try not to look at the gossip rags all around us. Oh my, so many people, so many stories, some maybe true, most likely not. My oldest asked me again about the things she was seeing. She did learn a new word--paralyzed. She even pronounced it correctly so I guess they are good for something!! Anyway, I tried to pray for those around us in the store instead of being tempted to look at the headlines. God gave me a different idea.
Psalm 15:1-3 says "Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, "
Isn't our main concern supposed to be the lost? I'm pretty sure every person involved in the making of these particular types of magazine are lost, otherwise they wouldn't be making the magazine! The verses above describe these people. Instead of ignoring them, this time I saw them as fodder for prayer! I began to pray for every person that had anything to do with the making of the magazine, including the unfortunate people who were the targets.
Some people don't take prayer very seriously, but it's our way of communicating with the Lord, what else could be more powerful?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Things That Make You Go Hmm....

A list of the things that make me go hmm.... lately:
1. People would rather have false hope than know the truth and have real hope
2. People would rather have a large bank account, house and vehicle than make their family's eternal destination their priority.
3. People care more about what their clothes look like on Sunday, than what their soul looks like all week.
4. People care more about how much they do in comparison with others, than doing all things as unto the Lord.
5. People are unhappy with what they have, until they're asked to give it away.

The main connection between these things is the fact that so many people are concerned with what society thinks of them.
Colossians 3:23 clears it all up for us--"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Don't Forget Who Else Is Here!

Did you ever hear something that really hit home with you, something you thought you already knew? That happened to me today.
We started off the day as usual; chores, breakfast, prayer, devotions, singing, school.
The day went pretty well. I got a little frustrated a couple times. Youngest daughter didn't always behave the best way she knows how. Oldest daughter didn't always show respect and do her best. But, no one "lost it". We've had better days, we've had worse days. I was trying to bring out the best in all of us. I felt like we should be behaving better than we were. I couldn't understand why we weren't more peace-filled and joyful.
When we took a break I decided to check out a new website I found that deals with character building. Then I read one of the blogs that I read regularly, then I ended up on a blog I had never visited before. This is where God reached out and smacked me. Did you ever get a 2x4 upside your head? I got one today!
The post was about remembering to include God in your day. Duh, right? He's already with us, isn't He? I talk to Him all day, everyday. What I realized as I read this is, that as much as I love Him and devote my whole being to Him, I was forgetting that He is right here with me. I was taking responsibility for everyone's behavior, attitudes and words instead of giving it all to God. The woman who wrote the post talks about having a chair set aside for God at the table while they do schoolwork. Her daughter climbs up on His lap. (isn't that a fabulous visual?)
After I read her whole post I was so excited! I know He is always with me, but to think of Him as another person in the room, around the Why and when did I stop doing that in the first place? How did I end up thinking I could somehow control how we all act? That's not my job.
Tomorrow morning, before our chores, breakfast, prayer, devotions, singing, school, I will be doing the most important thing---inviting God to spend the day with us. And we will remember that He is right here in the room with us. I bet things will be different! I'll let you know! :-)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Time and Place

Today I'm thinking about the fact that so many people leave Christ out of everything. I admit I was one of these people for most of my life. I haven't always been a Jesus freak. For a long time I thought there was a time and a place for "God talk". Even after I was saved, I was hesitant to give credit where credit is due.

Raising children changes things. Raising children to take full hold of their heritage, as children of the Lord, changes things. I can't teach them the importance of a relationship with Christ, giving God the glory, praying at all times, God as Creator, Jesus as Savior, the Bible as life manual, Godly character, etc, etc, etc; and then say "oh,yea, some people will be uncomfortable if you mention God, so..there is a time and a place to bring him up". I can't do that, and I won't do that.

Thankfully God has handled that, too. Deuteronomy 6:5-9 gives me license to "loose the lips" and talk about my favorite thing CONSTANTLY!!!! And to teach my girls the same thing. The Bible says in these verses: "Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."

Any questions? If so, refer to Ephesians 6:18--"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

The Bible doesn't just give me permission, but requires that I talk, think, pray, display Christ ALL the time! Not just when society tells me it's appropriate, but ALL the time. And it also requires me to teach my girls to do the same. I thank God that they will never have to spend a day of their lives without Him. If we are obedient to God's word, and teach our children to be obedient to it also, then this lifestyle won't seem so strange and impossible to so many people. The more they hear "God talk", the more likely they'll be to join in.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Something to Think About

October is here! It's my favorite month of all the months. The weather is perfect, the trees are absolutely beautiful, it gets dark earlier (no more cries of "but it's still light out, do we have to go to bed?"), it's the month I was born in. So many reasons to love it!
The one negative aspect is that it's the month the devil is worshipped more than usual--halloween. All month long there are advertisements, decorations, and sales promoting the holiday. Everywhere you go there are ghosts and goblins and witches and scary pumpkins and costumes and candy. People plan parties, prepare tricks, purchase treats for passing out on trick or treat night. Businesses gear up to make the most of the season by hosting zoo boos or spooky corn mazes. People talk about what costume they'll wear, what their children will wear.
Every year people ask my children if they're going trick or treating, or what they're dressing up as. Every year I reply "we don't do halloween". Every year someone tries to convince me it's just harmless fun.
1 Thessalonians 5:22 says "Avoid every kind of evil".
I could list scripture after scripture that makes it clear a Christian has no business "doing halloween". Read Galatians, Ephesians, Thessalonians, just to name a few books.
There is nothing in the bible that could lead a person to think halloween is just harmless fun. If you love Jesus and call yourself a Christian and think it's okay to take part in halloween, don't take my word for it--investigate it yourself. A carnal Christian will make excuses and live to please themselves. A born again Christian loves the truth and lives to please Christ.
Would Christ party with satan?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Bring Him Back

The more educating I do, the less educated I feel.
Have you ever felt that way? The more you learn, the more you realize you don't know?
We've been doing a unit study on Christopher Columbus this week. I've learned so much about him, his life, geography, history.....I can't believe how much I didn't know! I also can't believe what I wasn't taught when I was a child in public school--one of the reasons Columbus wanted to discover new lands was to spread the Gospel! Did you know that? Did you know that in addition to the spanish flag, whenever he landed in a new land he stuck a cross in the ground?
I find it interesting to be a Jesus loving parent raising children to be Jesus lovers, when I wasn't raised this way. I feel like a pilgrim in the wilderness sometimes, without an example to follow. I pray for wisdom and discernment to handle alot of the situations that come up. I don't have the example of my parents to follow, none of my friends were in Jesus loving families--that I knew of. I attended public school. I didn't know Jesus when I was growing up.
I long for a mentor, a woman who has traveled this road. I feel like there is so much I don't know because Christ was removed from my education. I'm learning, along with my girls, the role Christ played in everything that has ever happened. It's frustrating, and sometimes I feel more than a little cheated, that I spent so much of my life without Jesus.
Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Without God, there would be nothing. How dare we remove Him from our lives and education?
It breaks my heart, so I can only imagine what it does to God, that He has been left out of (even removed from) the world. We have to put Him back where He belongs. Put Him back in your children's education. Be a mentor to pilgrims raising children for Christ, who weren't raised that way themselves. People have told me they could never homeschool. The longer we do it, I wonder how you could not. Your children have to know the truth of Christ's involvement in so much of our history, not to mention the whole creation/evolution issue. Will you bring Him back?