Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."(Isaiah 30:21)
Last night I was sitting on the couch watching a program that oldest daughter and I used to watch together. In the last few months there have been major changes in this show and Husband and I have directed her away from it to another, more appropriate one. Of course, I still felt I could watch it.
After the program started, daughter came downstairs asking if she could watch it with me. I sent her to ask dad. He was in the room behind me and as I listened to his reasons that she could not watch it I became convicted. It reminded me of the verse above, God was speaking to me through my hubby. I shut off the t.v. (not real willingly) and took an unhappy daughter to bed.
This morning as I'm reading my bible I came across (coincidence?) Isaiah 30:21. As I read the scripture, it was the next verse that stopped me dead in my tracks. Verse 22 says: Then you will defile your idols, overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, "Away with you!"
WOW! That's in the NIV bible. How disgusting!
God showed me that if a program is not good for my little girl because it has become too important to her and it definitely doesn't uphold any of our biblical values anymore, then it isn't any good for me, either. I was disgusted when my husband pointed out why we should step away from the program, I still enjoyed it. But it has become a little too important to us. This morning I'm realizing that I should be as eager to throw it away from our lives as I am an old menstrual cloth. What would it be like if we thought that way about everything that takes us away from our Lord? That's what He wants us to do, and expects us to do.
Ask God to show you what you are idolizing, and then ask him for the strength to throw it away like a menstrual cloth! I bet it will be easier to do, when you think about it like that.
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