Well, seasons change, the living room furniture arrangement changes, and so goes the blog!
I realize the background isn't very "simple" but it makes me smile. Lately I feel a little heavy and a little too serious, so......I'm making my blogland light and fun!
The Gospel is called the Good News and I intend to share some of it! God loves me and has shown it in many ways this week. Have you noticed how He loves you? I hear people talk about being "purposeful" in doing things. Whether it's exercise, reading the Bible, smiling, being thankful....there are so many things that I want to "purpose" to do.
This week the girls and I started a "Thankfulness List". It's amazing what things you realize you take for granted, when you purpose to be thankful. Sometimes I realize I haven't written anything down and I find myself deliberately looking for something to give thanks for. Oh, the things you SEE when you stop and look!!! This week I am most greatful to God for the eyes He gave me to see the wonder of His love all around. Not just my physical eyes, but the desire to see beyond the surface.
Since I have purposed to be thankful this week, I find I'm smiling more. This morning I was walking through the house when I realized I was frowning. Well, not really frowning, but definitely not smiling. I stopped and purposely smiled. I dare you to try it the next time you realize you haven't been smiling. It's a strange sensation to smile when noone else is around! But you know what? It changed my entire outlook! I almost wanted to go get on the treadmill!
So, here's my point: Lots of things will change, nothing ever stays the same...except for God. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow...whether we change our furniture, our outlook, our blogland space, our physical address, it doesn't matter. Jesus Christ died for every single person on the face of the earth and that will never change. God loves every single person on this earth and that will never change. Why not make the biggest change of all and invite Jesus into your life? When you do that, you can be sure that no matter how things in this world change, you have the security of a life in Heaven with the only One who will never change.
Love the blog change Hol! I thought I clicked on the wrong site at first. I don't think God meant for us to be so serious either, why else would He have given us the gift and joy of laughter and a sense of humor. Smiling does change ones outlook on life. Thanks for making me smile!