Thursday, September 24, 2009

Are You Fully Dressed?

Recently, I read an article written by Charles Stanley called Dressed For Battle. He talked about the importance of realizing that we are at war with satan and his loser friends, and because of that, we need to be sure to put on the full armor of God.
I've read Ephesians 6:10-18 numerous times, heard it preached on, or talked about several times--but this time something touched me. If you haven't read it in a while, or ever--go read it now.
I have a long history with a short temper, I think I've mentioned that before. God's been helping me with it for a few years and we've come quite a long way. There are still days, however, that it doesn't take much for me to lose it. For whatever reason, I have never started out the day putting on the full armor of God.
After I read Mr. Stanley's article I was so excited to get dressed the next morning that I almost couldn't sleep! Before I got out of bed that morning, I began praying and dressing, reminding myself what each piece stood for.
As the day progressed, whenever I started to feel a little agitated, God would remind me that I had the armor on--satan's darts couldn't reach me! Satan wants nothing more than for me to lose my temper and dwell on that, rather than have self-control and glorify Jesus.
I pray without ceasing, have for quite sometime, but I'll tell you what...try putting the full armor on and see what happens. You'll be amazed at the difference. I can't believe I've gone so long without it, I can't believe I've survived without it.
I receive Mr. Stanley's magazine called In Touch through the mail, but he has a website for it, . The article I'm talking about is in the October issue, which I don't think is online, yet. It's definitely worth remembering and checking out once October rolls around!

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