Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The curriculum we use is Christ centered. It's very serious about following directions. The answer is not as important as following the directions. I didn't quite understand this at first. How could the answer not matter as much as following the directions?
Today daughter came to me with her work and a question. As I looked over the page I finally got it! The directions had specified to draw a line through a word. She had scratched it out. I asked her about it. She didn't seem to think it was a big deal, the word was right--she just used a little more lead than called for.
I finally understood why the directions are so important. If we don't train our children how important it is to follow directions--regardless of the result--how will they know to follow the directions we are given in our life manuel--the Bible? Doesn't the Word tell us what to do, and what not to do? We aren't to add to it, or take away from it. We are to follow the directions exactly as the Father and the Son gave them! We will be forgiven for wrong answers, but we will be held accountable for following, or not following, the directions.

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